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It’s Warm – Get Your Grill Ready

What’s your greatest passion in barbecuing? Is it cooking up great food for friends and family before the game? Is it seeing your team win the competition? Is it just enjoying it all with your buddies?

Whatever your passion, remember it’s barbecue season so get your grill ready for the months ahead. For propane grills you can get started by first removing the propane tank. Look for wear and tear, if the tank is in good condition just give it a good wipe down. Check for valve leaks by pouring soapy water over the valve when its turned on. Bubbles means you have a leak and a valve replacement is necessary.

No bubbles then you’re good to fill up the tank and do the rest of the barbecue to ready for the season. The hose that runs between the tank and the BBQ itself is next on your check list. Inspect it for signs of wear and tear in the form of holes or cracking along the line. Bring out that soapy water again and pour it along the length of the hose when it is in in the on position. bubbles? That’s a sign of a leak – replace the hose immediately.

Next check the ignition switch connection. You need to ensure that grill will not only light but that you can accomplish an even flame across the grill when it is lit.

Once you’ve taken these steps, turn on the BBQ for 10-15 minutes and leave it on high. This accomplishes two things, it burns off any of last seasons left overs from the surface and it lets you begin this season with a clean grill.

Stubborn stains or chunky build up you can be sprinkled with salt and then spritzed with slightly diluted lemon juice. Allowing that mixture to soak before scrubbing with loosen the chunky bits and make them easier to clean.

To decrease sticking and and protect grids from rusting (unless you have made a wise investment of a stainless steel grill then you needn’t worry) season grills will oil.

Be sure to check your grease tray and if you BBQ with a charcoal grill, look for ashes left in the BBQ over the winter season. Remove any residue build up from the bottom.

Warm soapy water comes in handy again for wiping the outside of the grill and the grill cover. You can extend both the life of your grill and its cover by keeping them clean.

After all these steps if the grill still doesn’t perform to standard, you may need to clean the grill elements.

In order to do this disconnect the gas before you do anything. It’s wise to check your owners manual for specific procedures but gas elements should be checked for cooked on food which can prevent the gas from flowing freely to the grill.

Summer’s just about here, and the grilling weather has definitely set in! Fill up your tank, buy your bag of charcoal and get to the butcher so you can celebrate in true weekend warrior grill master style!